Seems a long time since I wrote my last blog, Francesca has spilt red wine all over the keyboard of my Mac completely ruining it, luckily I’m insured, but it doesn’t seem right, writing this blog on a different computer.
The evenings are already drawing out here, nearly 7 pm before its dark, we have even seen a little bit of sunshine this week, but the rain is still tumbling down most of the time. The ground is sodden all I want is a few dry days so I can plant the early potatoes &onions.
Our new shed is taking shape, solidly built this time to withstand next winters hurricanes. One thing has greatly improved our quality of life here, we have had our drive and yard resurfaced, no longer are we wading ankle deep in mud if we try to cross the yard. The dogs are not covered in mud every time they need a pee! And most important of all Finn can practice his dream of becoming a world class footballer by doing as many “keep me uppies” as possible.
I was away last week in Stafford with the forensic service again, I spent 3 days with 21 staff, they were a great bunch, enthusiastic, fun & fully participated in the sessions, we had plenty of laughter,, music, dancing, poetry & plenty of serious discussion. I believe they left full of inspiration on taking recovery forward in their service, Sally Carr is doing a great job in steering the service in a recovery direction.
Meanwhile Ron has been busy editing our new DVD on setting up a hearing voices group, only trouble is the cricket has been on , so I have had to be constantly reminding him of his priorities, so sorry to all of you who have ordered a DVD it may be a couple of weeks late , the cricket won , which is no surprise to those of you who know Ron well, he is passionate about the game & I sort of promised that if business is going well he can go to next world cup, its in India, so I hope it’s a family trip so the kids & I can go and explore a bit more of the country.
We are starting to plan our next trip to Australia, we already have a week in Tasmania, which I am really excited about , because it is meant to be very beautiful and similar to NZ my all time favourite place.
Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor have an international reputation as speakers and authors. They are the directors of ‘Working to Recovery Limited’ an innovative international consultancy, training and publishing company with a cutting edge approach to supporting and improving mental health provision.