Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Back to Australia

We were really well looked after Friday night after the first course finished, invited to a BQ by social work students from Curtin University. They have developed a real fondness for Ron after receiving lectures from him last year.

Week 2 in Perth, the weather has changed, its, grey, cloudy & intermittently wet, could be Scotland, oh well we are working so not so important. The 2nd course has gone well, lots of discussion & debate on the first 2 days, but by the third day people were seeing & feeling recovery, the who am I’s had worked their magic yet again. The recovery process is alive and well, watching it run its course over and over has given me a deep sense of what is important in creating mental well being.

I love running this course with Ron, I see it produce profound change and recognition in people. People are amazing, the lives they have led their resilience and will to keep going through adversity, I feel humbled and in awe at how simply listening to their stories can produce such healing, growth and connection.

Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor have an international reputation as speakers and authors. They are the directors of ‘Working to Recovery Limited’ an innovative international consultancy, training and publishing company with a cutting edge approach to supporting and improving mental health provision.

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