Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stir crazy Ron and the joys of living on Lewis

Started this weekend with another good meal at Sulair, with Ron & Seppi.

Sunday Ron was going off island for 3 weeks, he has been absolutely stir crazy, he has been on island for 7 weeks, apart from his heart bypass, I think this is the longest he has stayed in one place since we have been together. He almost didn’t get away as 10 minutes before we needed to drive to the airport he couldn’t find his wallet. Panic set in until he realised he had left it in his trouser pocket last night.

He has started his week in Welshpool, in Wales, catching up with the staff at Phoenix House, part of Acorn Care. Things are moving fast since we did the recovery training in July. The staff are really making a difference and feeling great about their jobs, this is so satisfying to hear.

Meanwhile I have been catching up with work on the croft. Baba & Dolaigh have taught me how to make a peat stack, my peats are now safe & secure from the winter wet.

The Pigs are now down at the bottom of the croft and are busy ploughing the field up.
Heidi the goat has settled in well and is demolishing the tall grass and weeds around the house.

Tomorrow Ron is at the Asylum conference for 2 days catching up with many old friends.
I wish in some ways to be there, but actually am very glad to be at home, I think my travel problems over the last couple of weeks have consolidated my belief that living on Lewis was the right thing to do for us and our family

Ron Coleman and Karen Taylor have an international reputation as speakers and authors. They are the directors of ‘Working to Recovery Limited’ an innovative international consultancy, training and publishing company with a cutting edge approach to supporting and improving mental health provision.

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